Baylor Student Media boasts an array of print publications dating all the way back to 1896.
The Baylor Lariat publishes special issues throughout the year, including Welcome Back, Homecoming, Family Weekend and All-University Sing. Thousands of copies are distributed in news stands across campus. The Lariat began printing in 1900 as The Varsity Lariat.
The Roundup yearbook first went to press in 1896 and has been going strong ever since. Over more than 100 years, it has evolved into a full-color book of 400-plus pages. The yearbook staff of 10 produces a comprehensive history of Baylor – seen from students’ eyes – each year.
Focus Magazine is published once per semester. What began as an insert to The Lariat in 1993 became a standalone glossy magazine in 1997. The content in each issue revolves around one central theme.